So you want to be a travel blogger and earn your living by sharing your photos and stories with people around the world. That’s great – but success doesn’t happen overnight and in the meantime you will need some way to pay the bills. Many travel bloggers have used teaching as a way to fund […]

For many people, travel blogging would be their dream job. The reality of travel blogging is that you can write and write (and write some more) but you may never make money from this. To make money as a travel blogger, you need to follow a few simple steps to create a business plan. Developing […]

Success leaves clues. For those travel bloggers who have tasted a certain level of achievement it hasn’t been by accident. The following 5 tips are what the travel blogging pros have been doing to consistently over a period of time to become the top travel blogs in the world. Rocking Social Media Neglecting social media […]

Building links to your travel blog is one of the most crucial components towards having a successful site. Creating great content just doesn’t cut it without links to back it up. There are many ways to attract links naturally; however, being proactive and building links with your own initiatives is equally as important. Here are […]

I can stress enough the importance of exchanging links with other travel sites. Recently I posted an article regarding the benefits of link exchanges with other travel bloggers. I highly encourage you to check it out. Today the focus will be on the practical side of things with an emphasis on execution. In order to make link […]

One of the most common mistakes I see with other travel sites is that they aren’t effectively utilizing their resources. For example, for bloggers who have amassed an impressive collection of photos, it’s worth considering sharing your photos on as many platforms as possible. Consider sharing your smiling faces from around the world on sites […]

Commenting on other travel blogs is one of the most effective ways of building your audience initially after launching your travel site as a way of eventually monetizing your travel blog. The travel blogging community is overall very helpful with promoting one another. When you comment on another travel blog you are building a relationship […]

It might sound dreadfully common sense to say this, but letting advertisers know you are open for business is essential towards getting inquiries for your travel blog. It’s the best way to fund your travels, pay your income taxes and continue to run your website. Make sure your advertising page is clearly displayed on your site […]